Simply put, oak veneer (or any veneer for that matter) is a paper-thin piece of real oak. Available in red or white oak and all the cuts (flat-sawn, rift-sawn, and quarter-sawn), it has a lot of benefits and a few drawbacks. Let's jump in!
(Design and photo credit: Nordiska Kök)
Veneer is a paper-thin sheet of real wood applied to a substrate (like an MDF or a plywood). Whenever there are large, vertical surfaces in a design, veneer is an excellent option as it doesn't move with the seasons like solid wood does. Think slab doors, appliance panels, and the center panels of 5-piece cabinet doors. However, given how thin veneer is, it lacks the durability and abrasion resistance of solid wood and is rarely a good choice for most horizontal surfaces (counter tops, etc).
Are Oak Veneer And Oak Laminate The Same Thing?
While oak veneers and laminates share a few similarities with regard to the process, they are ultimately very different. As we mentioned above, oak veneer is a paper-thin piece of wood. Laminate, on the other hand, is layers of phenolic resin with a printed top layer (basically, plastic with a super high-res picture of wood printed on).
This is how oak veneer is made (a whole oak log is sliced into "flitches"):
And this is how laminate is made":
The Different Cuts Of Oak Veneer
Oak veneer is available in three distinct cuts: flat sawn, rift sawn, and quarter sawn. Basically, this refers to the orientation of the log during the milling process. Here's a helpful diagram to show the different grain and figure in each different style of oak veneer:
The Different Oak Veneer "Lay Ups"
Most trees these days only grow so wide, so when we're needing a 36" piece for a refrigerator panel or pantry door, several narrower pieces need to be "stitched" together (this is a fascinating process!). How those pieces of oak veneer come together can really change the overall look of the piece. Book-matched, refers to two symmetrical pieces opposing each other (like the pages of a book). This creates an interesting repeating pattern that works very well in modern design:
If you're wanting a more natural look without the symmetry and repetition of book-matched oak veneer, you can use what's called plank-matched. This style is made of individual pieces with varying grain patterns:
When Is It Okay To Use Oak Veneer?
The best use for oak veneer is slab doors in kitchen and bath cabinetry, the center panel of 5-piece doors, or really any vertical surface. Whenever we have a horizontal surface like a table or bar top, it's generally a good idea to opt for the superior scratch and dent resistance of solid wood.
Another excellent use of oak veneer is the ever-popular slim or "skinny" Shaker. While most 5-piece cabinet doors have joinery connecting the frame pieces together (called stiles and rails), this isn't the best approach whenever the frame is a slim as it is on skinny Shaker doors. The best approach is to add a "frame" to a veneer slab door:
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